
2018: Gold medal / Kadarka category at the „Wine of the Hungarian Parliament” competition.
2019: Gold medal / Kadarka category at the „Wine of the Hungarian Parliament” competition.
2021: Gold medal / Bull’s Blood category at the „Wine of the Hungarian Parliament” competition.
2021: VinAgora / Cabernet franc . Görögszó selection 2019 – gold medal
2021: The best 25 wines in the Pannon wine region / Zweigelt 2017 – gold medal
2022: The most famous wine magazin in Hungary „VINCE Magazin” / Kadarka Selection 2020 – best wine in Kadarka category
2022: The most famous wine magazin in Hungary „VINCE Magazin” / Deviant Syrah 2020 – gold medal in reductive wine making category
2023: the local „Szekszárd WineRegion Competition”: SERIUS cuvée 2019 – gold medal
2023: the local „Szekszárd WineRegion Competition”: Cabernet sauvignon Görögszó selection 2019 – gold medal
2023: Based on the voting of the Hungarian Wine Journalists: Kadarka 2022 was the best kadarka of the year in Hungary!
2023: Hungarian Wine Award: „Super12” , the best 12 redwines of the year : Kadarka 2022 war part of the 12 best wine.
2023: The most beautiful Vineyard of Hungary / Small size category / silver medal
2024: the local „Szekszárd WineRegion Competition”: Deviant Syrah 2022 – gold medal
2024: the local „Szekszárd WineRegion Competition”: Zweigelt 2021 – gold medal
2022: The most famous wine magazin in Hungary „VINCE Magazin” / Deviant Syrah 2022 – best wine in the „varieties outside of the Carpatian Basin” category
2024: FIGYELŐ TOP100 / 2024 Best 100 wines in Hungary / Zweigelt 2021, at the 65th place
2024: Silver medal / Bull’s Blood category at the „Wine of the Hungarian Parliament” competition.
2024: Wine of the Hungarian Foreign Trade Ministry in grand category: Kadarka Premium 2022

Figyelő Top100 Magyar Bor helyezés és megjelenés

Figyelő Top100 Magyar Bor helyezés és megjelenés

Magyarország 2024. évi TOP100 bor ranglistáján a Zweigelt 2021, a 65. helyezést érte el! A Figyelő TOP100 Magyar Bor kiadványt országszerte megtalálják több, mint 600 árusítóhelyen (újságosnál, benzinkúton, nagyobb üzletek hírlapos polcain).

VINCE Magazin éves szakmai verseny

VINCE Magazin éves szakmai verseny

Büszkék vagyunk, hogy a VINCE Magazin éves szakmai versenyén a Deviant Syrah tételünk – ezúttal a 2022-es évjárattal – újra aranyérmet hozott nekünk a Kárpát-medencén kívüli, reduktív tételek kategóriában. Köszönjük a szavazatokat és a bizalmat!A Vince Gála 2024 a...

VinAgora 2021

VinAgora 2021

We are proud to have a gold medal with our Cabernet Franc 2017 Görögszó selection on the 22nd VinAgora International Wine Award in 2021. VinAgora is the only international wine competition of Hungary. Membership in the VINOFED, the world federation of the most...

Pannon TOP wines

Pannon TOP wines

We are proud to announce that our ZWEIGELT 2019 is one of the TOP25 wine in the South-Hungarian wine region. 56 wineries were taking part in the competition with 170 different samples. We are in the best 25… Read more:...

The Wine of the Parliament  Award 2020

The Wine of the Parliament Award 2020

  In the 2020 Wine of the Parliament House competition, we again won the honorary title and first place in the KADARKA category! In 2019, our Kadarka 2017 wine became the Wine of the Parliament, and this year we brought the gold medal with our Kadarka 2018 item....

Pannonian wine region

Pannonian wine region

 We are proud to have been announced as one of the top 5 wineries of the Pannonian Wine Region in the vote launched by the Pécs Winery publication for two consecutive years! Pannon wine region favorite cellars Top5We first became the owners of this proud title, which...

Németh János
7100 Szekszárd, Ivánvölgy hrsz: 9679
Postal address: 7100 Szekszárd, Csend u. 16.
Phone: +36 20 414 55 44
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The webshop delivers only to Hungarian addresses!

Our motto is:

“Spontaneity from the hill.”